Clean Your Stovetop in 10 Minutes or Less

Jill is back at it making messes instead of working. Today when Jill tried to make lunch, she over boiled water on the flattop stove (something that's happened to all of us a time or two). Luckily for Jill, her boss knows the best way to clean a mess! How to Clean your Stovetop in under 10 minutes: Step 1: Go enjoy your food. You may as well while it's hot! You can't clean [...]

How To Remove Permanent Marker From Your Walls

If your child has ever colored on the walls, desks, wood furniture, or any other surface imaginable, you are defiantly not alone.  We have all been there! Now, how do we get it off. Thanks to our lovely Jill, here is a video on how to remove those "Oops" moments! How to remove Permanent marker from your walls: Step 1 - Take marker away from offender and put in an out of reach place. Step 2 [...]

March 2016 Norwex Hostess and Customer Specials

The March 2016 Norwex Hostess and Customer specials have been released! If you have been considering hosting a party, below is the list of all of the products you can earn from Norwex this coming month. We have two ways to host a party, in your home with friends and family, or via an online party. Either way you will have a great time and earn your hostess rewards!   This month's customer specials are  a great [...]

HUGE Norwex Year-end Sale!!

Hurry, there’s only a few days left to take advantage of these amazing discounts on select Norwex products. You have until January 1st, noon CST to place your order. To order online, click here. Here are a few of my favorites: The Kids Mop is one of my favorites! How great to be able to have your little ones start to learn early about green cleaning without using chemicals!! I’ve been using our anti-aging skin [...]

The After-Holiday Mess

By: Kris Carlson I always thought that I was the only one that made a mess of their oven while cooking for the holidays. Well, it turns out, I’m not alone. I’ve had so many people asking me at my party's what Norwex has to help them clean their newly dirty oven, that I decided to make our Oven and Grill Cleaner the December Product of the month. Cleaning an oven is no small job [...]

Product Spotlight: EnviroWand

Cleaning ceiling fans and baseboards can be a real pain! But the Norwex EnvrioWand makes it so simple. The EnviroWand is flexible and bendable, making it adaptable to whatever surface you're tackling. If you have our mop, the EnviroWand easily attaches to the telescopic mop handle—making hard to reach areas reachable (think cobwebs, light fixtures, etc.). Did you know lent from your dryer can slip down past the lent trap? The EnviroWand is a perfect [...]

Toxic Brew: How Chemicals in the Home are Affecting Children’s Health

If you have children, especially children who suffer from allergies, eczema, asthma, and other respiratory issues, this is an eye-opening look at the role chemicals in our homes are playing in making our children sick. Have concerns about the products you're using and want to radically reduce the chemicals in your home? I'd love to talk to you about how Norwex can help you do just that.

Monthly Specials: Hostess Incentives for November

November Norwex Hostess Specials Hosting a Norwex party in November is a great way to get a jump on holiday shopping. There are some great incentives this month, including some of the new Fall products! This month's Host Exclusive Offer is fantastic. In addition to the Host Special, receive four EnviroCloths for free when your party has a minimum of $600 in Subtotal A Sales, 6 buying guests and 1 booking. As always, [...]

Disinfectant Chemicals Trigger Asthma, Allergies, and Other Health Concerns

I can’t stress enough how important it is to rid your home of the dangerous chemicals in common household cleaners. All over the news, you can find stories detailing the alarming rate at which asthma, allergies, and other health concerns is growing. There are proven links to the ingredients (harmful chemicals) in cleaners, laundry detergents, soaps, etc. and these growing diseases. This article recently published by Huffington Post entitled, The Trouble with Disinfecting Wipes is [...]

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