Norwex April 2021 Host Rewards and Customer Specials

Welcome to April! Wow- I can't believe it is already April! Each month seems to fly by faster than the next. No matter what month it is, we are always guaranteed to get some awesome Host Rewards and Customer Specials. Want to know what Norwex has in store for April? Read below! There are four ways to earn April Host Rewards! Norwex has FOUR ways you can earn FREE rewards. Hosts will earn Host Credit [...]

Why I use Norwex and why you should too

Hi friends! As many of you know, I have been on the Norwex journey for a long time. I love this company and its products for so many reasons, but at the beginning I was skeptical. I just could not believe how well everything worked. What really helped convince me to take the leap into the world of Norwex was the Butter Demo. This video shows that chemical cleaner leaves behind dirt and grime while [...]

By |2021-03-16T20:46:18-04:00March 16th, 2021|Categories: About Kris, Favorite Norwex products, Green Living, Join my team, Norwex|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Why I use Norwex and why you should too

Norwex February 2021 Host Rewards and Customer Specials

Welcome to February! One month down and only 11 more to go! Last month was a great kick-off to this new year and I'm so excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us. February Host Rewards and Customer Specials are really exciting, so keep reading to find out what they are! There are four ways to earn February Host Rewards! Norwex has FOUR ways you can earn FREE rewards. [...]

By |2021-02-02T19:28:09-05:00February 2nd, 2021|Categories: Customer Specials, Direct Sales, Host Rewards, Join my team, Monthly Specials, Norwex Host Rewards and Customer Specials|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Norwex February 2021 Host Rewards and Customer Specials

Norwex December 2020 Host Rewards and Customer Specials

Welcome to December! I can't believe we are so close to the holidays! I love this time of the year and all the joy it brings. It is a time that allows us to celebrate and reflect on the past year. I know that December will be a flurry of getting ready for all the events and company that this month has in store. The Host Rewards and Customer Specials are festive as the season [...]

4 Things I’m Grateful For

Being thankful in the month of November Hi friends! Each year around this time I like to reflect on the year I have had and everything I have to be grateful for. Like many of you, my year has had a lot of ups and downs. Especially in times like these, it's important to focus on what you have in your life that makes it special. While I have lots of things I'm thankful for, [...]

Norwex November 2020 Host Rewards & Customer Specials

Welcome to November! Last month seemed to pass by in a blur of activity just as I know this month will as well. November means Thanksgiving is almost here. This is a time of reflecting on your past and thinking of all things you are grateful for. One thing I'm always thankful for is Norwex and our great Host Rewards & Customer Specials. So let's see what we have in store for us this month! [...]

4 Norwex Products to Help You Clean Up Your Fall

Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. It is when the holiday season starts and when families come together. While decorating my house for visitors, I always like to do a little cleaning. This year will look different for a lot of us, but keeping a clean house is as important as ever. Luckily for us, Norwex has just the right products to make that happen! Textured Kitchen Towel & Cloth- sugar [...]

Norwex October 2020 Host Rewards & Customer Specials

Welcome to October!  This month means Fall is finally here. It means all things pumpkin and cozy sweaters. October is also the month before the holiday season begins, which means it's time to start cleaning your house for family visits! There are four ways to earn the October host rewards!  Following the trend of September, Norwex has FOUR ways you can earn FREE rewards. Hosts will earn Host Credit or Norwex products based on the [...]

Norwex Clean With Me Video – Clean With Me Using Norwex Products!

Clean with me Norwex Style!! Click play on the video below to watch me use the Norwex Safe Haven Package to clean around my house using only Norwex Products. What other Norwex style cleaning videos would you like to see?  Post your ideas in the comments below! Norwex Products Used In This Video: The Norwex Safe Haven Package includes -  Norwex EnviroCloth - The Norwex Microfiber EnviroCloth removes dust, dirt and grease from all [...]

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