Why Local Events Could Be The Boost You Need For Your Direct Sales Business

When you first start your direct sales business you are going to be reaching out to friends and family asking them to help you build your customer base, this is especially true for those of us in the party plan direct sales industry. If these contacts don't yield more parties or if you don't know a lot of people in your area, you will need to find a new way to expand your customers. Vendor [...]

Norwex Spend and Get for February 2017

Another great offer from Norwex this February 2017! Spend $75 and get the Norwex Silicone Bakeware Lid for only $5! The Norwex Silicone Lid is great for lots of different things in your kitchen. You can use it for anything from food storage to baking. It is oven safe up to 425', dishwasher safe, and is the perfect solution for food splatters. Best of all, it will fit over a variety of your bakeware pieces, even [...]

Using Norwex While You Declutter Your Home

February is here, and spring cleaning right around the corner. That makes it the perfect time to challenge yourself to declutter your home. This month, challenge yourself and your family members to spend 15 minutes each day decluttering your home. Less clutter makes keeping our homes clean and organized  that much easier and leaves more time for fun! Here are some tips to be successful in your task. Where To Start - Start by picking which areas [...]

Using Facebook Live For Your Direct Sales Business

Have you jumped on the bandwagon and started using Facebook Live for your direct sales business? If not, you could be missing out on a huge opportunity to reach new and current customers. Why Facebook: Although lots of other social media platforms have come to market and have created new niches, one thing hasn't changed and that is Facebook is the place you need to have a presence when you have any kind of business. It [...]

Product Spotlight: Norwex Kids Bath Towels

Norwex Kids Bath Towel: Norwex recently released a few new products, one of which was the new kids towel. If you liked the kids Norwex towel before, you are going to love this new addition! The new towels are made of super-absorbent microfiber that is extra thick and plush. Kids love how this Norwex towel feels luxurious warmth and velvety soft! The Norwex kids bath towel also includes BacLock®,  Norwex's antibacterial agent to help inhibit bacterial odor, [...]

The 2017 Norwex Catalog is Here and Includes New Items!

2017 is almost here and that means it's time for a new Norwex catalog! Norwex is also releasing 3 new products (see more on those below) and you get a sneak peek! Click here to check out the new Norwex 2017 catalog.   Norwex is releasing 3 new products to check out: The Mold and Mildew Remover, the Kid’s Towel in 2 new colors, and the 4-in-1 Kids Wash! Norwex Mold and Mildew Stain Remover: [...]

Product Spotlight: Norwex Entry Mat

Did you know 85% of contaminants are brought into the home in the first four steps? Everything on the bottom of our shoes gets tracked in which means your floors are now covered in those tiny invisible particles, including the chemicals you've picked up throughout your day. The Norwex Entry Mat is a water, dirt and snow stopping mat! The Norwex Entry Mat features the amazing Norwex microfiber and stiff bristles, so dirt and other pollutants get [...]

January 2017 Norwex Host Rewards and Customer Specials

Norwex January 2017 Host Rewards: It's Mop Month!! Mop month is the most popular month of the year to host a Norwex party. Contact me today to book yours.   Norwex January 2017 Host Rewards Detailed: When you hit $350 in sales you will receive a Norwex EnviroCloth in graphite, a Norwex Window Cloth, a Norwex Body Scrub Mitt, and a Norwex Washing Net. When your party reaches $550 in sales you will receive all of the [...]

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