Product Spotlight: Norwex Cleaning Paste

Norwex has an amazing lineup of products and it's hard to get to know all of them at events, so we've decided to highlight some of our favorites.   To start, we are going to highlight the Norwex Cleaning Paste. This environmentally friendly super paste contains marble flour, natural soap and traces of coconut oil as it's active ingredients. It is super easy to use by dabbing a damp Norwex cloth or our SpiriSponge and [...]

How Do You Clean Your Fruits and Vegetables?

The Norwex Veggie and Fruit Cloth is a great way to get your produce clean without any added chemicals. The two sided cloth is great for scrubbing and polishing, removing dirt, wax and debris. Many grows use toxic treatments to prevent pests and fungal attacks. Some then preserve the quality and appearance by using a wax or oily substance during transportation. Below is a video of Kris and Brad showing off the Norwex Veggie and Fruit [...]

How To Clean Your Norwex Microfiber

It is really important to make sure you care for your Norwex Microfiber. In the video below Kris explains the best ways to clean your cloths. When you've been using your Microfiber to clean around your home, you don't need to wash every time. Take it to the sink, use the dishwashing liquid and rub the cloth against itself to clean it. You don't always always have to throw it in the wash. About [...]

Are You Causing Cancer In Your Home By Cleaning?

Did you know there have been 80,000 new chemicals introduced in the last 50 years. Of all of those, only about 200 have ever been assessed for their impact on human health. So as you "clean" you may be subjecting your family to chemicals that cause cancer. Did you know 24% of human disease has been linked in part to environmental factors? We need to start making a change, not only for our children, but also [...]

How Safe is Fluoride in Drinking Water?

The US Government has recently admitted that Americans have overdosed on fluoride. Fluoride has long been added to drinking water to help prevent tooth decay, but overwhelming research is proving that fluoride in drinking water does not contribute to tooth decay prevention and there are more adverse health affects from it. Fluoride is not an essential mineral, but (by FDA standards) a drug—and a toxic one at that. Our government has recently reduced the recommended [...]

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