The Norwex Window Cloth:
Have you ever wondered how to get a streak-free shine on your windows, mirrors, granite and stainless steel without the harsh chemicals? Well, let me tell you a little bit about the Norwex Window Cloth! The Norwex Window Cloth pairs perfectly with the Norwex EnviroCloth and is an easy way to get a streak free shine around your home. The best part? You are using just the cloth and water to get this streak free shine so there will be no chemical residue left behind!
What Make the Norwex Window Cloth Different:
Typically when you are cleaning with a spray and paper towels to get your windows, mirrors and other surfaces shining, you have to use a heavy chemical spray along with paper towels. Not only is this not the healthiest option for you and your family, it is also not so great for our environment. By cutting out the harsh spray and paper towel use, you will no longer be leaving behind the chemical residue that attracts smears and you will also be helping the our earth! With the Norwex Window Cloth, you are just using the cloth and water to get that streak free shine!
Before I used the Norwex Window Cloth, getting mirrors and windows clean with absolutely no streaks was a dreaded task! Spray too much there are streaks everywhere, don’t use enough and they don’t really get clean. I even tried the news paper and spray trick with no luck! And lets not even talk about getting windows clean that face the salt air. Now I have streaky mirrors and windows, even at my beach house!
How To Use And Care For The Norwex Window Cloth:
Using the Norwex Window Cloth is easy! You just use your damp Norwex EnviroCloth to clean the surface and your dry Norwex Window Cloth to polish the surface. You can also use the Norwex Window Cloth to dry your granite counter tops and polish your stainless steel and chrome fixtures.
To care for your Window Cloth, you simply hang it to dry! Because it contains the Norwex BacLock technology while drying, the micro silver will go to work, self-purifying to inhibit bacterial odors, mold and mildew growth in the cloth. You can also launder the Norwex Window Cloth as needed (which typically is not very often) with a biodegradable laundry detergent (like the Norwex UPP). Be sure not to use any fabric softener or bleach!
What Can You Clean With The Norwex Window Cloth:
In short, the Norwex Window Cloth can clean pretty much anything that you want to sparkle and shine! You can use it on your windows (especially windows get a lot of salt residue from the beach!), mirrors, glass tables, to wipe down your shower doors, on your granite countertops, fine crystal pieces, brushed and stainless steel, patio tables, knickknacks, jewelry and more!
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