Seems like every day more and more evidence is being mounted against plastics. This article is another recent example. According to this article, “New evidence suggests that heat makes chemicals in plastic storage boxes and bottles leach into food and drink: two major reports last year linked 175 compounds to health problems connected to cancers, fertility and foetal development.” Many of the chemicals mentioned in this article are part of the “Dirty Dozen” list found to be harmful to humans.
So what can you do? Kick the plastic to the curb. While the convenience of plastic bottles, food storage boxes, and plastic bottles is enticing, the mounting evidence of the risk to our health from these items is not worth it!
Norwex’s “Pitch the Plastic Pack,” is a great way to begin ridding your home of harmful chemicals. This package includes:
(1) Out to Lunch Snack Bag
(1) Out to Lunch Sandwich Wrap
(1) Reusable Produce Bags (set of 3)
(1) Silicone Lids (set of 2)
(1) Stainless Steel Drinking Straws (set of 4)
(1) Stainless Steel Straw Cleaning Brush
Have you gotten rid of plastic products in your home? Was it easier than you thought? I’d love to hear about it!
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