Make Sure Your Home is Ready for Fall

Seasonal maintenance is a great way to ensure your home operates at its very best. North Carolina summers are pretty brutal, but autumn greets us with the amazing outdoor weather. Fall is the perfect time to catch up on some exterior maintenance and ensure your home is ready for winter. These tips from will get you on your way. Key Areas to Focus On: HVAC Gutters Lawn & Garden Equipment Pruning Painting Weatherstripping/Caulking [...]

A Greener and Healthier Solution to the Common Wet Wipe

There was an article in the New York Times back in March that talked about a common household product and the havoc its wreaking on New York City’s sewer system—the wet wipe. These wipes are touted for use for just about any cleaning and hygiene need you can think of. Moms are no stranger to carrying wipes in a diaper bag, purse, car … everywhere! Their uses go beyond moms and reach into homes as [...]

By |2017-06-10T01:00:23-04:00September 23rd, 2015|Categories: Favorite Norwex products, North Carolina Norwex, Norwex life|0 Comments

Monthly Specials: Hostess Incentives for October

Norwex Ocotber Host Specials The season for Trick-or-Treat is almost here—host a party in October and you're in for a real treat! This month's Hostess Incentives have been announced, and I know you're going to love all the goodies you can get for hosting a party. Those new Fall products are part of the October incentives, and you have the opportunity to earn up to five of them for free! In addition to [...]

Repurpose with a Purpose

Wondering what to do with all the gadgets needed for the endless amounts of cleaning supplies you used prior to Norwex? This is such a neat way to use old mop/broom clips in a new and useful way. Goodbye, cabinet clutter; hello, organization! Have questions about Norwex products? I'm here to answer. You can also click here to find out more about joining my team of outstanding Norwex Consultants.

New Generation Norwex Microfiber

What makes Norwex microfiber different than other microfiber? A lot! Check out this video on the new generation of Norwex Microfiber and see the difference for yourself. Already using Norwex microfiber? How has it changed your the way you clean? I'd love to hear from you!

Tasty Tips: Stuffed Pepper Soup

As my kids get older and our lives are busier, sitting down for dinner is so important to me. It's a chance to regroup, share our day, and enjoy each others' company. I'm always looking for good recipes that are simple to make to afford me that time with my family before I head out to my Norwex parties, and this is a good one! The warmer weather may still be around, but it’s never [...]

Back to School—The Lunchtime Dilemma

It’s that time of year again! School is officially back in session for most area kids, and one of the most common dilemmas for parents is what to pack in those lunch boxes. Picky eaters aside, it’s tough to figure out what to send that is not only yummy, but HEALTHY! Food is fuel, and what our kids put into their bodies determines how well they function during the day. I’m a big fan of [...]

Norwex Window Cloth vs. Butter

One of the most game-changing Norwex demos at any party is when the Window Cloth is used to tackle greasy butter on a window or mirror. Using the EnviroCloth to loosen the butter, the Window Cloth easily brings the surface back to a streak-free shine in no time! I love to see guests' faces when I do this at my parties! It's amazing. If you've never seen it before, here's a video demonstration: Seriously, [...]

By |2015-09-08T08:51:09-04:00September 8th, 2015|Categories: Clean room-by-room, Favorite Norwex products, Norwex life|0 Comments
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