Hi friends! I hope your holiday season was full of joy and 2021 is finally here. After experiencing last year I can confidently say that I believe we can all get through whatever this year throws at us. I am excited to see what all 2021 has in store for us.

Words to live by

Each year I not only like to make resolutions to help push me to be my best, but I also like to choose a word to live by and keep me focused. Last year my word was ‘truth’. I did not know it at the beginning of 2020 but ‘truth’ was just what I needed to keep my eyes on. For 2021 my word is Forward. I am going to move forward in all areas of my life. After going through a lot of hard things, especially a divorce, I will use this year to focus and move forward in all aspects of my life.


For the year I am going to be focusing on three main goals. The first one is that I am going to move forward with my new single life with an open heart to new relationships. I spent 2020 really looking inward and bettering myself. Now I am ready to put myself out there!

My second resolution is to move forward in my business. I am going to work with my leaders and encourage them to dream and set big goals for themselves. I know that they can all accomplish anything they can put their minds to. I am also going to help my team realize their dreams and accomplish them. Working with my Norwex family is my greatest joy and I can’t wait to get started.

The final goal I have for 2021 is to move forward with each and every one of my relationships. From my family, friends and random strangers I am going to spread joy and love to everyone I meet. One way I plan to get started is by giving back to the people and organizations in my community.

We can do it!

The beginning of a new year gives us all the opportunity to set our sights on anything we want to get done. What are some of your resolutions for this year? Reach out on Instagram and let me know! I can’t wait to hear from you!