If you are wanting to get your business off to a strong start or have decided to start your business back up, the last few months of the year are the best time to jump in!! There are three things you can do that will get you up and running.
1. Host a shopping event at your house
This is the time that people are going to be purchasing holiday gifts, so why not have them purchase your product! Make it fun! Have a theme with yummy munchies and drinks. This is a time to give back to your customers. Offer special discounts and do some really fun give aways for anyone that hosts a party.
2. Look for vendor events/trade shows in your area
They are everywhere during the holiday selling season!! People are out looking for great gifts for the holidays and in a party mood. Make sure to have a fun and inviting looking booth set up. Have cute gift bags or wrapped baskets out for anyone that books a party with you. Do a little shopping yourself. There are SO many great things at Holiday boutiques!
3. Book lots of parties by reaching out
Believe it or not…this is the time to party!! People are in a party mood. They are going to see their friends for social gatherings in the Fall. Why not be the person to reach out with a fun theme idea for them to host. I love parites with apple cider, Christmas tea, cookie exchange, and the best are Favorite things parites where I do lots of give aways like Oprah’s Favorite Things show used to do!
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