Welcome to November!
I am so excited for it to finally be November. This month is one of my favorites because it means the start of the holiday season. I cannot wait to celebrate with my family and share what we are thankful for this year.
There are four ways to earn November Referral Rewards!
Norwex has FOUR ways you can earn FREE rewards.
Hosts will earn Host Credit or Norwex products based on the number of guests that order, a percentage of the sales, when their party reaches specific milestone sales goals, and/or how many guests book their own parties. No matter what size party you have, there are so many ways to earn host rewards this month! I know there are quite a few things I have my eye on. Check out the star levels for yourself!
November is Fighting Hunger Month!
Join Norwex & help families in need! For this month only, when you join our company, we will make a $10 donation to Feeding America or Food Banks Canada. Norwex will also donate $10 when you add a new consultant to your team, and they will send you goodies for recruiting new team members. Check out more details about fighting hunger below!
Be Thankful for These Customer Specials!
The month of November means it is time for Black Friday Specials! Almost all of our customer specials save you over 25%. The two specials I have my eyes on are the Jet-Setter Set and the Mini Safe Haven. Both of these sets will make great gifts, and they are a perfect way to introduce our great company to others.
November Warehouse Sale
This month you can get so many of my favorite products in our warehouse sale. From window cloths to cleaning paste, you can get it all for a low price.
Fall for Our Mystery Bags
This month only, Norwex is offering mystery product bags for only $49.99! You can pick what type of mystery bag, and Norwex will do the rest. Get yours today!
Free Starter Kits!
Did you know that you get a starter kit for free when you submit $1,000 in Personal Retail Sales in 30 days or $2,000 in 90 days? The starter kit has all of the Norwex essentials that will get you and your business started. I know you can do it, now all you have to do is commit.
Happy Fall, Everyone!
November is a time to start enjoying the cooler weather and reminiscing on everything you are thankful for. I want to hear what you are most thankful for. Reach out to me on Instagram and let me know. I can’t wait to hear from you!
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